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...2006 poems...

(click on the picture of the poem to read the poem in a larger version)

last night i

last night i

it is a love

coffee at

coffee at

rain meets rain

rain meets rain

i have no issue

i have no issue

myth and magic

myth and magic

today we planned

today we planned

i watch the

i watch the

these friends

these friends

happy birthday

happy birthday

take him to

take him to

i cannot say

i cannot say

i know i have

i know i have

she went to

she went to

by sun by light

by sun by light

a day of grey

a day of grey

today i found

today i found

child give your

child give your

here you sit

here you sit

hello grace

hello grace

sometimes i want

sometimes i want

bush named

bush named

the year reaches

the year reaches

we walked the

we walked the

they took him

they took him

once again

once again

silver thin

silver thin

sometimes it seems

sometimes it seems

my passport

my passport

we are all seekers

we are all seekers

our leaders

our leaders

today i met with

today i met with

sunset never

sunset never

a woman

a woman

once i lived

once i lived

we are the keepers

we are the keepers


the day escaped

i lost you

i lost you long

i see you

i see you

riding a long

riding a long

echoing e

echoing e


email: pam@poetpam.com

©2012-2024 pamela swanson