...2021 poems...
(click on the picture of the poem to read the poem in a larger version)
the sun is
i woke this morning
hello nazi world
today the sun
today a dance
govern-mental abuse
the closet
we are magicians
let's go back
the budding buds
we'll meet among
what can one person
who created santa
there's an eek
some words written
let's have fun
a sunshine day
it is a night
i am invisible
casually i sip
out of the invisible
i look into forever
sunlit moss
have we all been
our thoughts create
every - any - thing
let's pretend that we
a curious suspension
if you are me
the waves are
beautiful - the sun
like a weather
there's a tree
today i'm wearing silver
we listen to the
there's a place
today we dance for
bushtits - chickadees
we are so much
are we standing
writing evil
email: pam@poetpam.com
©2012-2025 pamela swanson